tensorflow.python.framework.type_spec 源代码

# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# ==============================================================================
"""Type specifications for TensorFlow APIs."""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import abc

import numpy as np
import six

from tensorflow.python import _pywrap_utils
from tensorflow.python.framework import composite_tensor
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging
from tensorflow.python.util import compat
from tensorflow.python.util import nest
from tensorflow.python.util import tf_decorator
from tensorflow.python.util.lazy_loader import LazyLoader
from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import tf_export

# Use LazyLoader to avoid circular dependencies.
tensor_spec = LazyLoader(
    "tensor_spec", globals(),
ops = LazyLoader(
    "ops", globals(),

[文档]@tf_export("TypeSpec", v1=["TypeSpec", "data.experimental.Structure"]) @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class TypeSpec(object): """Specifies a TensorFlow value type. A `tf.TypeSpec` provides metadata describing an object accepted or returned by TensorFlow APIs. Concrete subclasses, such as `tf.TensorSpec` and `tf.RaggedTensorSpec`, are used to describe different value types. For example, `tf.function`'s `input_signature` argument accepts a list (or nested structure) of `TypeSpec`s. Creating new subclasses of TypeSpec (outside of TensorFlow core) is not currently supported. In particular, we may make breaking changes to the private methods and properties defined by this base class. """ # === Subclassing === # # Each `TypeSpec` subclass must define: # # * A "component encoding" for values. # * A "serialization" for types. # # The component encoding for a value is a nested structure of `tf.Tensor` # or `CompositeTensor` that can be used by the `TypeSpec` to reconstruct # the value. Each individual `TypeSpec` must use the same nested structure # for all values -- this structure is defined by the `component_specs` # attribute. Decomposing values into components, and reconstructing them # from those components, should be inexpensive. In particular, it should # *not* require any TensorFlow ops. # # The serialization for a `TypeSpec` is a nested tuple of values that can # be used to reconstruct the `TypeSpec`. See the documentation for # `_serialize()` for more information. __slots__ = [] @abc.abstractproperty def value_type(self): """The Python type for values that are compatible with this TypeSpec.""" raise NotImplementedError("%s.value_type" % type(self).__name__)
[文档] def is_compatible_with(self, spec_or_value): """Returns true if `spec_or_value` is compatible with this TypeSpec.""" # === Subclassing === # If not overridden by subclasses, the default behavior is to convert # `spec_or_value` to a `TypeSpec` (if it isn't already); and then to # consider two `TypeSpec`s compatible if they have the same type, and # the values returned by `_serialize` are compatible (where # `tf.TensorShape`, `tf.TensorSpec`, and `tf.DType` are checked for # compatibility using their `is_compatible_with` method; and all other # types are considered compatible if they are equal). if not isinstance(spec_or_value, TypeSpec): spec_or_value = type_spec_from_value(spec_or_value) if type(self) is not type(spec_or_value): return False return self.__is_compatible(self._serialize(), spec_or_value._serialize()) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[文档] def most_specific_compatible_type(self, other): """Returns the most specific TypeSpec compatible with `self` and `other`. Args: other: A `TypeSpec`. Raises: ValueError: If there is no TypeSpec that is compatible with both `self` and `other`. """ # === Subclassing === # If not overridden by a subclass, the default behavior is to raise a # `ValueError` if `self` and `other` have different types, or if their type # serializations differ by anything other than `TensorShape`s. Otherwise, # the two type serializations are combined (using # `most_specific_compatible_shape` to combine `TensorShape`s), and the # result is used to construct and return a new `TypeSpec`. if type(self) is not type(other): raise ValueError("No TypeSpec is compatible with both %s and %s" % (self, other)) merged = self.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization( self._serialize(), other._serialize()) # pylint: disable=protected-access return self._deserialize(merged)
# === Component encoding for values === @abc.abstractmethod def _to_components(self, value): """Encodes `value` as a nested structure of `Tensor` or `CompositeTensor`. Args: value: A value compatible with this `TypeSpec`. (Caller is responsible for ensuring compatibility.) Returns: A nested structure of `tf.Tensor` or `tf.CompositeTensor` compatible with `self._component_specs`, which can be used to reconstruct `value`. """ # === Subclassing === # This method must be inexpensive (do not call TF ops). raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_components()" % type(self).__name__) @abc.abstractmethod def _from_components(self, components): """Reconstructs a value from a nested structure of Tensor/CompositeTensor. Args: components: A nested structure of `tf.Tensor` or `tf.CompositeTensor`, compatible with `self._component_specs`. (Caller is responsible for ensuring compatibility.) Returns: A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`. """ # === Subclassing === # This method must be inexpensive (do not call TF ops). raise NotImplementedError("%s._from_components()" % type(self).__name__) @abc.abstractproperty def _component_specs(self): """A nested structure of TypeSpecs for this type's components. Returns: A nested structure describing the component encodings that are returned by this TypeSpec's `_to_components` method. In particular, for a TypeSpec `spec` and a compatible value `value`: ``` nest.map_structure(lambda t, c: assert t.is_compatible_with(c), spec._component_specs, spec._to_components(value)) ``` """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._component_specs()" % type(self).__name__) # === Tensor list encoding for values === def _to_tensor_list(self, value): """Encodes `value` as a flat list of `tf.Tensor`. By default, this just flattens `self._to_components(value)` using `nest.flatten`. However, subclasses may override this to return a different tensor encoding for values. In particular, some subclasses of `BatchableTypeSpec` override this method to return a "boxed" encoding for values, which then can be batched or unbatched. See `BatchableTypeSpec` for more details. Args: value: A value with compatible this `TypeSpec`. (Caller is responsible for ensuring compatibility.) Returns: A list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with `self._flat_tensor_specs`, which can be used to reconstruct `value`. """ return nest.flatten(self._to_components(value), expand_composites=True) def _from_tensor_list(self, tensor_list): """Reconstructs a value from a flat list of `tf.Tensor`. Args: tensor_list: A flat list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with `self._flat_tensor_specs`. Returns: A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`. Raises: ValueError: If `tensor_list` is not compatible with `self._flat_tensor_specs`. """ self.__check_tensor_list(tensor_list) return self._from_compatible_tensor_list(tensor_list) def _from_compatible_tensor_list(self, tensor_list): """Reconstructs a value from a compatible flat list of `tf.Tensor`. Args: tensor_list: A flat list of `tf.Tensor`, compatible with `self._flat_tensor_specs`. (Caller is responsible for ensuring compatibility.) Returns: A value that is compatible with this `TypeSpec`. """ return self._from_components(nest.pack_sequence_as( self._component_specs, tensor_list, expand_composites=True)) @property def _flat_tensor_specs(self): """A list of TensorSpecs compatible with self._to_tensor_list(v).""" return nest.flatten(self._component_specs, expand_composites=True) # === Serialization for types === @abc.abstractmethod def _serialize(self): """Returns a nested tuple containing the state of this TypeSpec. The serialization may contain the following value types: boolean, integer, string, float, None, `TensorSpec`, `tf.TensorShape`, `tf.DType`, `np.ndarray`, `TypeSpec`, and nested tuples, namedtuples, dicts, and OrderedDicts of any of the above. This method is used to provide default definitions for: equality testing (__eq__, __ne__), hashing (__hash__), pickling (__reduce__), string representation (__repr__), `self.is_compatible_with()`, `self.most_specific_compatible_type()`, and protobuf serialization (e.g. TensorInfo and StructuredValue). """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._serialize()" % type(self).__name__) @classmethod def _deserialize(cls, serialization): """Reconstructs a TypeSpec from a value returned by `serialize`.""" return cls(*serialization) # === Operators === def __eq__(self, other): # pylint: disable=protected-access return (type(other) is type(self) and self.__get_cmp_key() == other.__get_cmp_key()) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__get_cmp_key()) def __reduce__(self): return type(self), self._serialize() def __repr__(self): return "%s%r" % (type(self).__name__, self._serialize()) # === Legacy Output === # TODO(b/133606651) Document and/or deprecate the legacy_output methods. # (These are used by tf.data.) def _to_legacy_output_types(self): raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_legacy_output_types()" % type(self).__name__) def _to_legacy_output_shapes(self): raise NotImplementedError("%s._to_legacy_output_shapes()" % type(self).__name__) def _to_legacy_output_classes(self): return self.value_type # === Private Helper Methods === def __check_tensor_list(self, tensor_list): expected = self._flat_tensor_specs specs = [type_spec_from_value(t) for t in tensor_list] if len(specs) != len(expected): raise ValueError("Incompatible input: wrong number of tensors") for i, (s1, s2) in enumerate(zip(specs, expected)): if not s1.is_compatible_with(s2): raise ValueError("Incompatible input: tensor %d (%s) is incompatible " "with %s" % (i, tensor_list[i], s2)) def __get_cmp_key(self): """Returns a hashable eq-comparable key for `self`.""" # TODO(b/133606651): Decide whether to cache this value. return (type(self), self.__make_cmp_key(self._serialize())) def __make_cmp_key(self, value): """Converts `value` to a hashable key.""" if isinstance(value, (int, float, bool, dtypes.DType, TypeSpec)): return value if isinstance(value, compat.bytes_or_text_types): return value if value is None: return value if isinstance(value, dict): return tuple([ tuple([self.__make_cmp_key(key), self.__make_cmp_key(value[key])]) for key in sorted(value.keys()) ]) if isinstance(value, tuple): return tuple([self.__make_cmp_key(v) for v in value]) if isinstance(value, list): return (list, tuple([self.__make_cmp_key(v) for v in value])) if isinstance(value, tensor_shape.TensorShape): if value.ndims is None: # Note: we include a type object in the tuple, to ensure we can't get # false-positive matches (since users can't include type objects). return (tensor_shape.TensorShape, None) return (tensor_shape.TensorShape, tuple(value.as_list())) if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return (np.ndarray, value.shape, TypeSpec.__nested_list_to_tuple(value.tolist())) raise ValueError("Unsupported value type %s returned by " "%s._serialize" % (type(value).__name__, type(self).__name__)) @staticmethod def __nested_list_to_tuple(value): """Converts a nested list to a corresponding nested tuple.""" if isinstance(value, list): return tuple(TypeSpec.__nested_list_to_tuple(v) for v in value) return value @staticmethod def __is_compatible(a, b): """Returns true if the given type serializations compatible.""" if type(a) is not type(b): return False if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): return (len(a) == len(b) and all(TypeSpec.__is_compatible(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(a, b))) if isinstance(a, dict): return (len(a) == len(b) and sorted(a.keys()) == sorted(b.keys()) and all( TypeSpec.__is_compatible(a[k], b[k]) for k in a.keys())) if isinstance(a, (TypeSpec, tensor_shape.TensorShape, dtypes.DType)): return a.is_compatible_with(b) return a == b @staticmethod def __most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a, b): """Helper for most_specific_compatible_type. Combines two type serializations as follows: * If they are both tuples of the same length, then recursively combine the respective tuple elements. * If they are both dicts with the same keys, then recursively combine the respective dict elements. * If they are both TypeSpecs, then combine using TypeSpec.most_specific_compatible_type. * If they are both TensorShapes, then combine using TensorShape.most_specific_compatible_shape. * If they are both TensorSpecs with the same dtype, then combine using TensorShape.most_specific_compatible_shape to combine shapes. * If they are equal, then return a. * If none of the above, then raise a ValueError. Args: a: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec. b: A serialized TypeSpec or nested component from a serialized TypeSpec. Returns: A value with the same type and structure as `a` and `b`. Raises: ValueError: If `a` and `b` are incompatible. """ if type(a) is not type(b): raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b)) if isinstance(a, (list, tuple)): if len(a) != len(b): raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b)) return tuple(TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(a, b)) if isinstance(a, dict): a_keys, b_keys = sorted(a.keys()), sorted(b.keys()) if len(a) != len(b) or a_keys != b_keys: raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b)) return { k: TypeSpec.__most_specific_compatible_type_serialization(a[k], b[k]) for k in a_keys } if isinstance(a, tensor_shape.TensorShape): return a.most_specific_compatible_shape(b) if isinstance(a, list): raise AssertionError("_serialize() should not return list values.") if isinstance(a, TypeSpec): return a.most_specific_compatible_type(b) if a != b: raise ValueError("Types are not compatible: %r vs %r" % (a, b)) return a
class BatchableTypeSpec(TypeSpec): """TypeSpec with a batchable tensor encoding. The batchable tensor encoding is a list of `tf.Tensor`s that supports batching and unbatching. In particular, stacking (or unstacking) values with the same `TypeSpec` must be equivalent to stacking (or unstacking) each of their tensor lists. Unlike the component encoding (returned by `self._to_components)`, the batchable tensor encoding may require using encoding/decoding ops. If a subclass's batchable tensor encoding is not simply a flattened version of the component encoding, then the subclass must override `_to_tensor_list`, `_from_tensor_list`, and _flat_tensor_specs`. """ __slots__ = [] @abc.abstractmethod def _batch(self, batch_size): """Returns a TypeSpec representing a batch of objects with this TypeSpec. Args: batch_size: An `int` representing the number of elements in a batch, or `None` if the batch size may vary. Returns: A `TypeSpec` representing a batch of objects with this TypeSpec. """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._batch" % type(self).__name__) @abc.abstractmethod def _unbatch(self): """Returns a TypeSpec representing a single element this TypeSpec. Returns: A `TypeSpec` representing a single element of objects with this TypeSpec. """ raise NotImplementedError("%s._unbatch" % type(self).__name__) def _to_batched_tensor_list(self, value): """Returns a tensor list encoding for value with rank>0.""" tensor_list = self._to_tensor_list(value) if any(t.shape.ndims == 0 for t in tensor_list): raise ValueError("Value %s has insufficient rank for batching." % value) return tensor_list def type_spec_from_value(value): """Returns a `TypeSpec` that represents the given `value`. Args: value: A value that can be accepted or returned by TensorFlow APIs. Returns: A `TypeSpec` that is compatible with `value`. Raises: TypeError: If a TypeSpec cannot be built for `value`, because its type is not supported. """ spec = _type_spec_from_value(value) if spec is not None: return spec # Fallback: try converting value to a tensor. try: tensor = ops.convert_to_tensor(value) spec = _type_spec_from_value(tensor) if spec is not None: return spec except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: logging.vlog( 3, "Failed to convert %r to tensor: %s" % (type(value).__name__, e)) raise TypeError("Could not build a TypeSpec for %r with type %s" % (value, type(value).__name__)) def _type_spec_from_value(value): """Returns a `TypeSpec` that represents the given `value`.""" if isinstance(value, ops.Tensor): # Note: we do not include Tensor names when constructing TypeSpecs. return tensor_spec.TensorSpec(value.shape, value.dtype) if isinstance(value, composite_tensor.CompositeTensor): return value._type_spec # pylint: disable=protected-access # If `value` is a list and all of its elements can be represented by the same # batchable type spec, then we can represent the entire list using a single # type spec that captures the type accurately (unlike the `convert_to_tensor` # fallback). if isinstance(value, list) and value: subspecs = [_type_spec_from_value(v) for v in value] if isinstance(subspecs[0], BatchableTypeSpec): merged_subspec = subspecs[0] try: for subspec in subspecs[1:]: merged_subspec = merged_subspec.most_specific_compatible_type(subspec) return merged_subspec._batch(len(subspecs)) # pylint: disable=protected-access except (ValueError, TypeError): pass # incompatible subspecs for entry in reversed(_TYPE_CONVERSION_FUNCTION_REGISTRY): type_object, converter_fn, allow_subclass = entry if ((type(value) is type_object) or # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck (allow_subclass and isinstance(value, type_object))): return converter_fn(value) return None _TYPE_CONVERSION_FUNCTION_REGISTRY = [] def register_type_spec_from_value_converter(type_object, converter_fn, allow_subclass=False): """Registers a function for converting values with a given type to TypeSpecs. If multiple registered `type_object`s match a value, then the most recent registration takes precedence. Custom converters should not be defined for `CompositeTensor`s; use `CompositeTensor._type_spec` instead. Args: type_object: A Python `type` object representing the type of values accepted by `converter_fn`. converter_fn: A function that takes one argument (an instance of the type represented by `type_object`) and returns a `TypeSpec`. allow_subclass: If true, then use `isinstance(value, type_object)` to check for matches. If false, then use `type(value) is type_object`. """ _, type_object = tf_decorator.unwrap(type_object) _TYPE_CONVERSION_FUNCTION_REGISTRY.append( (type_object, converter_fn, allow_subclass)) _pywrap_utils.RegisterType("TypeSpec", TypeSpec)